Tasting Blandy’s 3 years old Full Sweet Madeira wine: “Duke of Clarence”
We have opined in the past that all 3 years old blended fortified wines produced on the island of Madeira are basically indistinguishable. So, if you are one of these winemakers vying for the attention of the outside world, how do you differentiate your product? By getting creative with naming your wines, of course! Blandy’s… [Read more]
Like Madeira Wine and Visiting the Madeira Island? All You Need to Know about the Madeira Winemakers and their wines
What do you do when you have no way around hot storage and transport for your wine? If you are a 17th-century wine producer from the Portuguese island of Madeira, you elevate it to the status of art and make it into a masterpiece. And you do it so well that it becomes an alcoholic… [Read more]
A visit to Blandy’s Madeira Wine Lodge: All you need to know if you are planning to go
Operating out of the former St. Francis convent, Blandy’s Wine Lodge works like a well-oiled machine. So why did it make us feel like the little widgets waiting to be moved from the conveyor belt? [Read more]